Hello all,
I have build an image for imx8mnano based custom board.
I have use "imx-linux-zeus -m imx-5.4.70-2.3.2.xml" bsp to generate an image.
When I power up my board and login in to console, following log are arriving continuously.
root@imx8mnevk:~# [ 42.723982] caam_jr 30901000.jr: 20000256: CCB: desc idx 2: RNG: Prediction resistance
[ 42.731926] hwrng: no data available
[ 52.963975] caam_jr 30901000.jr: 20000256: CCB: desc idx 2: RNG: Prediction resistance
[ 52.971921] hwrng: no data available
[ 63.203998] caam_jr 30901000.jr: 20000256: CCB: desc idx 2: RNG: Prediction resistance
[ 63.211943] hwrng: no data available
I want to stop this application from kernel source.
can you please help me to find this content?
Thank You
I have the same problem on an i.MX 8M Mini after introducing OP-TEE. Have you guys found a solution in the meantime?
I have commented above kernel message in their respected files.
But I don't know how to disable the application.
Thank You
Hello milav,
Please check this link where auto login was disable:
Having same issue on imx8mm.
Not sure how auto-login solves the issue with the hardware random number generator.
@Bio_TICFSL, is there something more specific to help correct the root cause of these kernel messages?