I found MIPI_DSI register description in imx8 m plus reference manual chapter, but no more details about these register setting. where can I get these setting details? For example, different value I set to M_THSPRPRCTL will cause what kind of result?
We don't have specific register information, even on MIPI D-PHY IP spec, Samsung doesn't describe them, for timing registers. Customers doesn't need calculate the timing by themselves this is defined on drivers.
Best regards.
Thanks. Our Data Lane HS-TX 20%-80% Rise/Fall Time is too slow in MIPI D-PHY SI test. Are there any resister setting can increase TX drive capacity or slew rate?
The register Master and Slave DPHY Control Low Register in chapter of reference manual mentions HS-TX Rise and Fall Time Control bit field that could be helpful for you.
Best regards.
I tried to change value of HS_TX_RISE_FALL_TIME_CTL register to 011b-120mV and 100b-230mV, found rise/fall time has no change.
I also enabled HS_TX_SLEW_RATE_EN and change HS_TX_SLEW_RATE_CTL to 000 and 111, rise/fall time has no change.