With a IMX8-QXP, I try to access SXF1800 with v2xse-example-app.
First I reset SXF1800 (command 04)
Secondly I try to activate it (command 01).
I select EU applet.
So the IMX8-QXP sends an I-block with 19 bytes to the SXF1800 (see v2xAppletSelect() in v2xSe.c file).
But the SXF1800 answers "A5 92 00 92" bytes meaning "other error".
How could I have more information about this error?
If I do:
04 - reset
03 - connect
It is working so the SPI access is working.
So how do I activate SXF1800?
Do I miss a step?
Thank you for your help.
Please is there anybody who could provide me SXF1800 documentation how to use it?
Any help?
Please some help...
Nobody can help me?