IMX DUAL Lite and IS43TR16256A-125kbl

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IMX DUAL Lite and IS43TR16256A-125kbl

572 次查看
Contributor II

Hi All,

We are developing a custom board using
IMX Dual Lite processor.

We are trying to use I GB (IS43TR16256A-
125KBL) memory.

But some of the the board fails
randomly  , even if I updated the MMDC
register after running the DDR stress test tool (2.52)

, Anybody succeeded in interfacing IS43TR16256A-
125KBL with Dual lite or any other processors ?

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382 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi binuthomas

DDR stress test tool does not stress all power supplies, for example

VDD_SOC_CAP, VDD_PU_CAP, as for example linux hd video

application. So one can check these and other power supplies with


One can try the following experiments to determine if it is a hardware

PCB issue. Hand solder 22uF capacitors directly under center of chip.

Solder on top of the 0402 chips.

Have software Increase voltages of ARM_CAP, SOC_CAP, PU_CAP.

Other test may be cooling/heating device - if this helps, that may point

to incorrect driver strength settings.

Best regards



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