I have successfully run qt5 application on imx6ul-evk board,building from yocto project 4.1.15-2.0.0ga, following Enable QT developement for i.MX6UL .
but there is a issue for my test.If you want to run qt5 application ,you must launch the weston first.so you will see the weston desktop everytime before qt display.I have modified the weston background with black wallpaper,but it display black screen more long about 2 seconds , bad experience on my produtcion. My goal is skip weston all togethe and run qt5 application directly on imx6ul.everybody,who has the experience on this developing?
Using mesa
Hi Qiu,
Weston is a compositor, who should manage the fb display device. So the display timeout is controlled by it.
Then be aware of this, you can google the weston run argument for screen timeout.
Ubuntu Manpage: weston.ini - configuration file for Weston - the reference Wayland compositor