I am trying to setup Android Image to have the USB TTY driver. By using the menuconfig, the menu "Device Drivers" -> "USB support" -> "USB Serial Converter support" -> "USB Generic Serial Driver". Save the menuconfig, and build the kernel_imx. I modified the init.rc to add "chmod 0777 /dev/ttyACM*" to change mode. I flash to Android image into Sabre tablet, and power it up. I plug USB cable from the Sabre tablet into Kenetic ARM tower. But I don't see Android enum the USB device.
Can anyone who know how to setup Sabre Tablet to support USB TTY?
Thank You
Yes, I anble the USB / Serial General Conversion. I did follow the Freescale Power Point that setup Android USB/Serial COM ("ttyACM0").
I am using the USB host connector. The Android is USB Host, and the K53 Kinitic is the device.
Did you manage to get it running?
A brief list of steps you took would be MIGHTY helpful & appreciated! :smileyhappy:
I'm facing the same issue. Can you please let me knos if you have solved it and how? Actually I can see ttyGS0,1,2,3 in /dev/ but when connecting my USB to the pc I don't see any enumeration happening.
Best regards,
I don´t know how to set up USB TTY, bu tit looks like you´re doing the right way (enabling it on kernel).
Are you using the right USB connector (host/otg)?????