I want to build only the kernel
I run this command
fsl-community-bsp# source setup-environment
fsl-community-bsp/build# bitbake linux-imx
And ı get the error:
ERROR: Multiple .bb files are due to be built which each provide virtual/kernel (/usr/IMX/fsl-community-bsp-new/sources/meta-fsl-arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-imx_3.14.52.bb /usr/IMX/fsl-community-bsp-new/sources/meta-fsl-arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-fslc-imx_3.14-1.1.x.bb). This usually means one provides something the other doesn't and should.
How can ı solve this problem?Thank you. Yaşarcan
Hello Yaşarcan İtişgen,
This seems to be caused by too many providers for the kernel on the build environment. What MACHINE do you have setup on the local.conf file?
I would review the “PROVIDES” dependencies better on your recipes. There is some more information on the Open Embedded User Manual (link below). Perhaps you may try with “RPROVIDES” and then the distro/machine would select which virtual/kernel it wants.
You can select the kernel recipe using something like:
I hope this information helps!