I had found a while back the Freescale document AN4274: High-End 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES 2.0
Which I thought would lead me to rendering in "framebuffer" mode (no X11 server).
I have a modified test app with the magic line from the document,
eglsurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(egldisplay, eglconfig, open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR), NULL);
but fail earlier than that, in eglInitialize with the error GL_NOT_INITIALIZED
I am using the setup that comes with the imx53, which seems to work if I have the X server running. Dpkg shows:
ii amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51 11.09.01 GPU driver and app for x11 on mx51
which seems to match the debian package in L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER_images_MX5X.
Any suggestions on what I am missing ?
Thanks Krishna, Daiane,
I was looking in all the wrong places it would seem. Now have found that I should have been looking in the vm ware BSP package. So now I just need to get the right stuff installed and try it out.
Actually, /opt/freescale/... is the place where the ltib installation script gets the packages installed.
If you do not have freescale @ that place, it should be somewhere else. Its not an issue.
./ltib -c should give you a "menuconfig", showing amd-gpu-mx51 package.
Select that for rendering without X11 libraries.
I don't have an /opt/freescale/pkgs (actually /opt is empty)
Also - L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER_images_MX5X only has amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51-11.05.01.tar.gz
But I just noticed and downloaded L2.6.35_MX53_201112_Patches.tar.gz (hidden under patches) which does contain:
so - off to explore these new packages.
On my /opt/freescale/pkgs I can see:
You don´t need to donwload it again form any website. It should be on your LTIB instalation folder
I don´t know if I could understand.
But, amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51 can only be used for X11 enviroemnt. If you don´t want X11 you need to use another amd-gpu binary. (and I think you can find it the same place you´d got amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51