I have recently started a project using iMX6UltraLite evaluation kit that needs to perform direct interfacing with smart cards. I am having trouble finding any support for the SIM peripheral. I have looked in the SDK and the kernel drivers seem to be missing.
I believe they used to be provided in mxc_sim_interface.h and mxc_sim.c as there appear to be some versions of these files on public repositories.
Can you please advise where I can get hold of both bare metal and kernel drivers for the SIM peripheral ?
Hi James,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Unfortunately I can't get access to the bare metal variant as this is only available within NXP networks. Would it be possible for you to provide me with access by another means?
Regarding the linux driver, there is imx-sim.c in drivers/mxc/sim, isn't this the driver you are looking for? Our BSP release 4.1.15 has the driver.
For the bare metal variant, I found mcu-sdk-2.0/platform/drivers/smartcard. You can get it from this repo: