Facing the issue in my i.MXRT1050 kit, cannot program kit using MCU Xpresso as well as drag-drop method. Previously it was working well.
Tried above given all methods to connect MCUBootUtility using HID device. But couldn't find HID device in MCUBootUtility.
Switch 7 position: 1-OFF, 2-ON, 3-OFF, 4-ON
Is there anything that missing out from my side? or any other method to mass erase chipset?
Please look into it and help me out.
Thanks in advance
Hello @maulesh,
It seems your method is correct, so it could be useful to try with something different:
Best regards, Raul.
Hi @RaRo,
Thanks for the reply.
I have tried both solutions, but neither worked. I couldn't perform a mass erase using the GUI flash tool, and the processor is not detected over UART or USB when using the MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool.
Hello @maulesh,
Could you please check if your computer detects the USB connection with your board? Please check the Device Manager for that.
[Ports in Device Manager]
Also, if it's possible, could you please try the USB connection with another computer? Is the behavior still happening? This is because some of the USB drivers of the computer might have stopped working.
Best regards, Raul.
Hi @RaRo ,
I've checked the device manager ports as below.
When I connect the board to the connecter J28, I'm able to see the port (COM4) but I think it is failed make connection to the MCU.
I've another working same board which is working fine which I've tested connection in MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool both serial (J28) as well as USB(J9).
Few observations (in not working board):
Hello @maulesh,
Could you please give us more background of what you were doing before the board started with these problems?
Also, could you please measure the voltage signal DCDC_3V3 (test point: TP7) which is the voltage that goes to D15 in your EVK?
Finally, could you please try the following methods with your board?
Best regards, Raul.