Hello. I'm playing with encode_stream.c and test_enc_arm_elinux.c in imx-vpuwrap repository
VPU wrapper version is
vpu lib version : major.minor.rel=1.1.1
vpu fw version : major.minor.rel_rcode=1.1.1_r0
vpu wrapper version : major.minor.rel=3.0.0: VPUWRAPPER_ARM64_LINUX
I'm receiving regular P-frame hen I'm trying to force IDR by setting field sEncEncParam.nForceIPicture = 1.
How do I correctly force IDR ?
When inserting a new IDR frame, drain your pipeline and reset. There are only a few changes that are completely safe to do without a drain/reset. Use mfxExtEncoderResetOption=ON to make sure that a new sequence is started.
To ensure that mfxEncodeCtrl parameters correctly correspond to intended frame, allocate as many of them as surfaces used by the encoder.