Hello all!
I have recently started my work on IMX287 evk. I boot up the board from SD card with Linux but there were some bugs in the OS. I format the card and write it again with linux files as explained in IMX BSP guide using the same steps that I followed first time. But this time the board is not booting up. I am pretty sure that some thing is wrong in SD card side, but I am unable to catch what actually is that. Any one having any idea plz help me????
I would like to ask a question as well. I am using the L2.6.35_10.12.01_ER_source and it's LTIB utility. (I had success with the LTIB included in the VMware at the CD but the MAC address of the ethernet are all zero).
I am using mk_mx28_sd on the new LTIB utility , but I always get the error 0x8050100f . How can I force it to use HAB enabled images (the files with ivt)?
I tried using cfimager but I dont know where I will get the file rootfs.ext2.
It has been two days and I am getting a little frustrated on just getting Linux 2.6.35 running on my board... I hope somebody can point me to the right direction. I had been googling and reading manuals the whole day but no success so far.
Thank you so much
If the HAB_DISABLE bit HW_OCOTP_ROM7:0x8002C210:bit11 is “1”, then use boot streams without the name “ivt”.
If the HAB_DISABLE bit HW_OCOTP_ROM7:0x8002C210:bit11 is “0”, then use boot streams with the name “ivt”.
The i.MX28 EVK is shipped with HAB enabled by default. So, if you are using i.MX28EVK, please use the boot stream with "ivt".
You can select the image format (.ext2) in the "Target Image Generation" in LTIB configuration. After built, the rootfs.ext2.gz will be generated in <ltib> folder. gunzip the rootfs.ext2.gz will give you a rootfs.ext2. Ext2 is easy to cause a filesystem error. please try to change it to ext3. for more details, please read the BSP User Guide.
What OS bugs you mentioned? Did you change some boot settings of your board? Did you change another SD card?
Thank you so much for your reply. I haven't change any thing. All I did was to format the SD card and rewrite it with the two files imx28_linux.sb and rootfs.ext2 exactly the same way as I did first time. But this time it gives me the error 0x8050100f. After a little research I found that this means
Requested data beyond the end of a section.
Now I dont know what to do and how to fix this problem..
Looking forward for your reply
Can you list steps that you used for rewriting the SD card?
Thanks Jovanovic for your reply..
Yes sure, I follow the steps listed below
I format the 4 GB SD card and make two partitions on it. The file system of the first partition is ext2
i. Download the SDK image from the freescale official site
ii. extract the files
iii. In Windows, I type the following as mentioned in Linux BSP guide
cfimager.exe -a -f imx28_linux.sb -e rootfs.ext2 -dual_boot -d [SD card drive name]
thats it.
Thanks for your interst
As mentioned above, try using imx28_ivt_linux.sb (there's some difference in those two bootstreams in security functionality).
Also, you may want to have a look at MfgTool for i.MX28 which would allow you flashing as well (check ucl.xml for detailed steps done by that tool).
Or you may try to format and program the SD card manually from Linux following these steps:
cd <ltib installation folder>
sudo fdisk /dev/sdX ##X corresponds to SD device
n <ent> p <ent> 1 <ent> <ent> +10M <ent>
n <ent> p <ent> 2 <ent> <ent> +4M <ent>
n <ent> p <ent> 3 <ent> <ent> <ent>
t <ent> 1 <ent> b <ent>
t <ent> 2 <ent> 53 <ent>
w <ent>
./ltib –m prep –p uuc
cd rpm/BUILD/uuc-10.08.01/
cp sdimage ../../..
cd ../../..
sudo ./sdimage –f rootfs/boot/imx28_ivt_uboot.sb –d /dev/sdX
or directly linux kernel
sudo ./sdimage –f rootfs/boot/imx28_ivt_linux.sb –d /dev/sdX
This should result in proper bootstream copied to partition 2 (type 0x53). You would still need to format /dev/sdX3 as ext2fs or ext3fs and copy filesystem content from <ltib>/rootfs to it or configure u-boot to load kernel via network, but that's straightforward and explained in user guide.
Thanks.. The board booted properly without giving any error.
I am trying to use eth0 for that I use the command
ifconfig eth0 [IP address] and then up it but it is not working. do I need any other configuration????
any idea please...
please try to use imx28_ivt_linux.sb
thanks.. The board booted properly without giving any error.
I am trying to use eth0 for that I use the command
ifconfig eth0 [IP address] and then up it but it is not working.
Am I need any other configuration or what. I noticed that after a while I set eth0 up it goes down again and when I try to up it again it gives me the following
net eth0: PHY already attached
eth0: Could not attach to PHY
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy
any idea please...