We would like to test JPEG decoding of VPU in iMX53.
However, an error occurs.
(Error is vpu decode failure: 318)
We think that vpu_DecRegisterFrameBuffer() of imx-lib has a problem.
In the following line, it seems to have failed because the number of buffers is always num=0.
=== vpu/vpu_lib.c : L2845 ===
if (num < pDecInfo->initialInfo.minFrameBufferCount) {
If these lines are commented out, decoding is finished.
And a ppm file is created.
However, the created tihs file is a green screen.
Would you teach how to solve a problem?
The step which we performed is the following.
1. downloaded the IMX_MMCODECS_11.09.gz for i.mx53 quick start board, and extracted it.
Then I got source code and dynamic library about jpeg decode.
source code: jpeg_dec_app.c in fsl-mm-codeclib-2.0.3/test/jpeg_dec/c_src directory.
dynamic library: lib_jpeg_dec_arm11_elinux.so.1.6.1 in fsl-mm-codeclib-2.0.3/release/lib directory.
2. run the file in fsl-mm-codeclib-2.0.3/release/exe/jpeg_dec_arm11_elinux with the same jpg file
3. just like this: ./test_jpeg_dec_arm11_elinux -vpu 1 -outfile xxxx filename.jpg got a xxxx.ppm,
Best Regards,
Had your issue got resolved? If yes, we are going to close the discussion in 3 days. If you still need help please feel free to contact Freescale.
Daer Yixing-san,
Our customer is checking this.
I am waiting for that result.
So please wait for our reply for a while.
pls try to use the lib path "arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/multi-libs/usr/lib/libc.a",TOOLS_DIR = /opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi."
Can you attach your jpg file used for the test?
By the way, can you have a try with the vpu unit test code as followed, it will use VPU to decode the jpeg file to YUV data:
/unit_tests/mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-i /test.jpg -f 7 -o /2.yuv"
Is the YUV file OK?