Hi! All,
We wired the ADV7180 EVK to the CSI interface on i.MX515 EVK and try to port the ADV7180 driver into both Linux and Android on the board. When we linked the ADV7180 driver and it does capture data into memory buffer. However, when we run gstreamer to test the video buffer, we came across the following error.
In MVC:mxc_streamon
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA0 is not 8-byte aligned
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA1 is not 8-byte aligned
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctlPLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445611
In MVC:mxc_v4l_dqueue
ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
Does anyone have any experience to fix the gstreamer problem?
Oh I found it. Jump wires was not good idea how to connect the camera. Flat cable with pcb fixed my problem.
In this case you can see errors in D-PHY and CSI2 (ERR1,2) registers.
With MIPI CSI2 2-lanes - wrong connected lanes:
[ov5640_init_mode] mipi_csi2_dphy_status:0x200
[ov5640_init_mode] mipi_csi2_get_error1:0x10000010
Correct - both lanes connected:
[ov5640_init_mode] mipi_csi2_dphy_status:0x300
[ov5640_init_mode] mipi_csi2_get_error1:0x10
Hi Chou ,
i am also getting this error
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA0 is not 8-byte aligned
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA1 is not 8-byte aligned
can u plz help me..
Vincent Chou said:
Hi! Daiane,
I searched on the net and discovered that a few people came across the same error! They obtained the same message:
Error: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
Do you have any idea why we get this error?
Hello Vincent,
I also have the same error of "ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0". Can you tell me it you where able to figure out what this error was and how you resolved it.
Best Regards,
I am having a problem communicating to the ADV7180. When i run insmod adv7180_tvin.ko, i do not see it returning a probed statement. Currently i am using the I.MX51 eval kit with an ADV7180LFEBZ eval board. I have connected the AD7180 to CSI1 port D10-D17, HSYNC, VSYNC, and PIXCLK. I have also connected it to the I2C1 port on J14.
Any ideals why I dont see a probe?
Dear Daiane,
I've a project using imx.51 with video-in functional.
Would you help to provide how to connected to ADV7180 chipset?
We using a 8 bits data bus to connect to imx.51 CSI1 interface.
But CSI1 interface bus from D8 to D19.
How to connect to these data bus pins?
Connected to imx.51 from D8 to D15 (8 bits) or D12 to D19 (8 bits)?
We need your best help & experience for us.
Thanks a lot~
Daiane Angolini said:
Sorry, ofcourse page is lost. I pasted the wrong link!
My blog post with some unit-test command lines.
Now it should open.
For color conversion you should take a look on imx5x_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf
You can find such file inside package:
Thanks for feedback.
Which framebuffer option that you imply need to config it?
We've traced the code, the test program will use 'CSI->MEM' from "ipu_csi_enc.c" which registered a ipu irq "IPU_IRG_CSI0_OUT_EOF" with callback function map to a callback function in mxc_v4l2_capture.c.
Somehow the ipu irq never to be signaled and never got to get data to queue.
We are figuring out where and why irq go wrong.
Sorry, ofcourse page is lost. I pasted the wrong link!
My blog post with some unit-test command lines.
Now it should open.
For color conversion you should take a look on imx5x_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf
You can find such file inside package:
Hi! Daiane,
We tried the link but the page is lost. Could you check the link for us again? Thanks!
Thanks for your suggestion! We shall review the unit test code as quick as possible.
We also suspect the error is caused by the format incompatibility issue. When we activate the analog video input and save the data in IPU buffer in ADV7180 driver, we save it in YUV422 format. If we want to play the data in IPU buffer to convert to RGB format and put it in the frame buffer, is there a sequence we should follow to achieve that?
Hi! Daiane,
I searched on the net and discovered that a few people came across the same error! They obtained the same message:
Error: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
Do you have any idea why we get this error?
After reconfiguration to :
-8bit colour in CSI_SENS_CONF and csi_param.data_width = IPU_CSI_DATA_WIDTH_8
-pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY
It can QBUF and look like playing.
But It stopped in dqueue time out below: (Not sure if this is interrupt problem)
static int mxc_v4l_dqueue(cam_data *cam, struct v4l2_buffer *buf){ int retval = 0; struct mxc_v4l_frame *frame; unsigned long lock_flags;
printk("In MVC:mxc_v4l_dqueue\n");
if (!wait_event_interruptible_timeout(cam->enc_queue, cam->enc_counter != 0, 10 * HZ)) { pr_err("ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout " "enc_counter %x\n", cam->enc_counter);
Run logs:
root@freescale /test0913$ gst-launch mfw_v4lsrc ! mfw_v4lsink
MFW_GST_V4LSRC_PLUGIN 2.0.1 build on Sep 9 2011 18:36:08.
MFW_GST_V4LSINK_PLUGIN 2.0.1 build on Sep 9 2011 18:36:14.
In MVC: mxc_v4l_open
pipeline to PAUSED ...
device name is Mxc Camera
End of mxc_v4l_open: v2f pix widthxheight 720 x 480
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
On Open: Input to ipu size is 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5616
In mxc_v4l2_s_param
Current capabilities are 0
Current capturemode is 0 change to 0
Current framerate is 30 change to 30
g_fmt_cap returns widthxheight of input as 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5605
In MVC: mxc_v4l2_s_fmt
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: v2f pix widthxheight 720 x 624
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c008561c
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_s_ctrl
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0145608
In MVC:mxc_streamoff
MVC: In mxc_free_frame_buf
In MVC:mxc_allocate_frame_buf - size=673920
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5604
In MVC: mxc_v4l2_g_fmt type=1
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: v2f pix widthxheight 720 x 624
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95400, start=0x2b1c2000, end=0x2b267000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95500, start=0x2b267000, end=0x2b30c000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95400, start=0x2b346000, end=0x2b3eb000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl 40045612
In MVC:mxc_streamon
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctlPLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445611
In MVC:mxc_v4l_dqueue
ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
We use default camera init config except below for NTSC standard config:
static void init_camera_struct(cam_data *cam, struct platform_device *pdev)
//cam->standard.id = V4L2_STD_UNKNOWN;
cam->standard.id = V4L2_STD_NTSC;
cam->v2f.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420;
Dear Daiane,
I'm primary engineer testing this driver.
I need to brief our HW difference.
-We hook I2C(0x21) as well as ADV7180 8 bit data to CSI1(D10-D17) rather than a D10-D19 OVxx camera one of original design) to CSI1(first CSI port) of i.MX515
-We connect HSync and VSync and Pix Clock to peer of same name of pin but w/o MCLK pin.
-We don't connect power down and reset ping right now.
-We don't connect GPIO input for GPIO interrupt right now( look like we've missed this but mx51_ard.c from ltib-11_01 found only ARD_VIDEOIN_INT_B define but no config code and passing irq to driver)
-We just found default color bit of CSI_SENS_CONF is 10 bit. And trying to fix it by hard code a 8 bit one for our case.
-We use Sony CXD3142R CVBS analog camera signal to adv7180 decoder.
Below is our debug output:
Primary errors below:
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA0 is not 8-byte aligned
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA1 is not 8-byte aligned
Run logs
rroot@freescale /test$ insmod ipu_prp_enc.ko
root@freescale /test$ insmod ipu_prp_vf_sdc.ko
root@freescale /test$ insmod ipu_prp_vf_sdc_bg.ko
root@freescale /test$ insmod ipu_still.ko
root@freescale /test$ insmod ipu_csi_enc.ko
root@freescale /test$ insmod adv7180_tvin.ko
adv7180 probe i2c address is 0x21 Analog Device adv71B0 detected!
adv7180 hard_reset: cvbs=1 type is 2 (expect 2) num ioctls is 11
root@freescale /test$ insmod mxc_v4l2_capture.ko
In MVC:camera_initIn MVC: init_camera_struct
In MVC: mxc_v4l2_master_attach slave.name = adv7180 master.name = mxc_v4l2_cap
End of mxc_v4l2_master_attach: v2f pix widthxheight 288 x 352
End of mxc_v4l2_master_attach: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_master_attach: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_master_attach: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625 Video device registered: Mxc Camera #1 #1
root@freescale /test$ gst-inspect | grep mfw
mfw_deinterlacer: mfw_deinterlacer: Mfw De-interlace
mfw_vpuencoder: mfw_vpuencoder: Freescale: Hardware (VPU) Encoder
mfw_vpudecoder: mfw_vpudecoder: Freescale: Hardware (VPU) Decoder
mfw_ipucsc: mfw_ipucsc: Freescale IPU Color Space Converter
mfw_isink: mfw_isink: Freescale: i_sink
mfw_v4lsink: mfw_v4lsink: Freescale: V4L Sink
mfw_v4lsrc: mfw_v4lsrc: Freescale Video Source plug-in
root@freescale /test$ gst-launch mfw_v4lsrc ! mfw_v4lsink
MFW_GST_V4LSRC_PLUGIN 2.0.1 build on Sep 9 2011 18:36:08.
MFW_GST_V4LSINK_PLUGIN 2.0.1 build on Sep 9 2011 18:36:14.
In MVC: mxc_v4l_open
pipeline to PAUSED ...
device name is Mxc Camera
End of mxc_v4l_open: v2f pix widthxheight 288 x 352
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l_open: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
On Open: Input to ipu size is 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5616
In mxc_v4l2_s_param
Current capabilities are 0
Current capturemode is 0 change to 0
Current framerate is 30 change to 30
g_fmt_cap returns widthxheight of input as 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5605
In MVC: mxc_v4l2_s_fmt
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: v2f pix widthxheight 176 x 144
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_s_fmt: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c008561c
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_s_ctrl
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0145608
In MVC:mxc_streamoff
MVC: In mxc_free_frame_buf
In MVC:mxc_allocate_frame_buf - size=38016
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0cc5604
In MVC: mxc_v4l2_g_fmt type=1
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: v2f pix widthxheight 176 x 144
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_bounds widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_defrect widthxheight 720 x 625
End of mxc_v4l2_g_fmt: crop_current widthxheight 720 x 625
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95240, start=0x2b1c2000, end=0x2b1cc000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95250, start=0x2b1cc000, end=0x2b1d6000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445609
In MVC:mxc_v4l2_buffer_status
In MVC:mxc_mmap
pgoff=0x95260, start=0x2b1d6000, end=0x2b1e0000
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c044560f
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctl
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl 40045612
In MVC:mxc_streamon
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA0 is not 8-byte aligned
mxc_ipu mxc_ipu: IDMAC20's EBA1 is not 8-byte aligned
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
In MVC:mxc_v4l_ioctlPLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
In MVC: mxc_v4l_do_ioctl c0445611
In MVC:mxc_v4l_dqueue
ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue timeout enc_counter 0
Caught SIGSEGV accessing address 0x18
Spinning. Please run 'gdb gst-launch 2224' to continue debugging, Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\ to dump core.
I don´t think it´s a "gstreamer" problem.
What is NV12? I mean, it´s the video camera output? Does your src pluging support this format?
Why you get a "is not 8-byte aligned" error? It looks like you´re trying to place a wrong format into IPU, Can you double check it?
Can you share your command line? You can double check your plugin capabilities.