Hi,i have a question about zigbee as below:
I use the "zigbee gateway user interface" send command to a device(colorTemperatureLight),
case 1:when send the "MoveToHue","MoveToColor",MoveToSat,the Receiving device only have "ZCL_Task endpoint event:1" printf;
case 2:but when the "MoveToTemp",the Receiving device have "ZCL_Task endpoint event:1" and "EP EVT:Custom C1 0300" printf;
form the printf impromation,i know that case 1 didn't call-back the "APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback(tsZCL_CallBackEvent *psEvent)" function ,
and case 2 can call-back the "APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback(tsZCL_CallBackEvent *psEvent)" function .
why,and how to make case 1 can also call-back the the "APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback(tsZCL_CallBackEvent *psEvent)" function;
in addition, in other case, i add a "Level control cluster" by myself, it can't call-back the the "APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback(tsZCL_CallBackEvent *psEvent)" function
when receive a command;
can you tell me why and how to solve it;
thank you very much!
Hi Dylan,
If you look into the Zigbee Cluster Library the Colour Control Cluster requires extra storage space to be allocated for use by internal functions. If you look into the eCLD_ColourControlCreateColourControl, the custom data structure is defining the E_ZCL_CBET_CLUSTER_CUSTOM.
psCustomDataStructure->sCustomCallBackEvent.eEventType = E_ZCL_CBET_CLUSTER_CUSTOM;
That is the reason why are you looking the EP EVT: Custom Cl 0300.