Hello friends! I have a similar situation, like in https://community.nxp.com/t5/Wireless-Connectivity/zigbee-rejoin/m-p/1151456#M10135
I have 10 psc xiaomi door/window sensor, connected to gate, based on lumi (jn5169 chip). Software is Zigate firmware - https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/ZiGate
Problem was described in detail - https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/ZiGate/issues/349
Briefly, as a result, if the device did not show signs of life for 1-4 hours, then the coordinator will kick it out of the network and ask to restart it, but not all devices come back. In the exchange protocol, we see only a message about the exit from the network, but not about the fact that the exit was initiated by the coordinator himself.
Other xiaomi sensors (temp/humidity, occupancy sensor, etc) in my situation, based on jn5169 works well.
Can i modify Zigate Coordinator source code (based on JN-AN-1216) so that xiaomi door sensors NOT leave Coordinator (will rejoin instead leave)
Hi @admin-23,
It seems a similar issue that the community thread that you shared previously.
The coordinator receives a timeout from each device, so the next time that the device wakes up, the coordinator will send a leave command.
Do you capture the packets over the air?
Can i modify Zigate Coordinator source code (based on JN-AN-1216) so that xiaomi door sensors NOT leave Coordinator (will rejoin instead leave)
It is part of the Zigbee specification.
Hi @admin-23,
Is it possible that you could provide the sniffer file?
What is the timeout value that you have when the door sensor joins the network?