i am currently testing spi communication between the KW45B41Z-EVK and the NCJ29D6. The NCJ29D6 EVK has successfully communicated with the S32K144 EVK via SPI.
The SPI frequency for the NCJ29D6 is set to 10 MHz. I have also modified the SPI frequency for the KW45 to 10 MHz. However, I am unable to achieve this. In the code snippet below, the SPI frequency reached 10 MHz a few times, but then it has not been able to reach 10 MHz again.
The KW45 is the NXP KW45EVK.
我现在测试 KW45B41Z-EVK 与 NCJ29D6 进行SPI 通信。NCJ29D6 EVK与 S32K144 EVK SPI 通讯成功过,
NCJ29D6 的 SPI频率为 10MHZ。所有我将 KW45 SPI频率 也修改为10MHZ。但是我无法做到。下图是部分KW45的代码有过几次 SPI频率达到10MHZ,之后就再也无法得到 10MHZ ?。
Hope you are doing well. Are you using any SDK example as a base? What SDK version are you using? Have you tried with some example just modifying the baudrate?
Best Regards,
thank you for your reply.
the sdk are using is sdk_2_12_5_KW45B41Z83xxxA, and the version is 2.12.5. I have tried both lpspi_interrupt_b2b_transfer_master and lpspi_polling_b2b_transfer_master
I have set the maximum SPI baud rate to 1 MHz, and any higher rate causes issues. How can I modify the SPI baud rate to 10 MHz?
使用的SDK是 SDK_2_12_5_KW45B41Z83xxxA Version 为 2.12.5 ,我试过lpspi _interrupt_b2b_transfer_master h和 lpspi_polling_b2b_transfer_master,这个两个例程。
我试过SPI的波特率最大修改到1MHZ。波特率再大就有问题了。我要如何才能将 SPI的波特率修改到 10MHZ?
If you modify the TRANSFER_BAUDRATE and the divValue of theCLOCK_SetIpSrcDiv in the kw45b41zevk_lpspi_interrupt_b2b_master, you could get a baudrate around 9.6MHz.
This is working on my side. I am using SDK v2.16.000
I want to use spi in polling mode. i tested lpspi_polling_transfer_master and made some modifications to it. However, the SCK signal is sometimes not continuous, as shown in the image. Is there any way to improve this?
我想要以轮询方式使用 SPI ,我测试了 lpspi_polling_transfer_master,对它进行了如下修改。但是SCK有时不连续,如下图所显,有什么办法可以改进吗?
With the same modifications to the "kw45b41zevk_lpspi_polling_b2b_transfer_master" example, you can get the same frequency.
Looks like the behavior you are seeing is related to the logic analyzer. Is the communication not working?
yes, referring to the "NCJ29D6 -KW45 TESTWAREHOST USER GUIDE," we are testing the SPI communication between NCJ29D6 and KW45. The communication is not working; KW45 resets NCJ29D6, and the KW45 EVK does not receive the startup sequence from NCJ29D6. KW45 is an NXP EVK, while NCJ29D6 is a custom board we made that can communicate via SPI with the S32K144. I hope you can provide me with some suggestions.
I sent you a private message!