Hi support team,
I'm working with the USB dongle OM15080-K32W. After going through the documents and support forum conversations I'm able to build and load firmware on the dongle. I also have created Zigbee network using "coordinator" and connected another dongle as "End Device". However I'm unable to send any custom text/data from coordinator. even the preset command "toggle" is throwing error code 15 (E_ZCL_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_RO). attached is the error screenshot.
How shall I proceed? My end need is to have wireless communication among zigbee devices with any "chat" like feature.
Hi. Can you point me towards these docs and posts? I cannot seem to find a way to get MCUXpresso to recognize/support my OM15080-K32W dongle. I used the SDK builder and picked the right chipset and yet the dongle is not recognized. Thanks.
@mario_castaneda, I assume you are talking about the FTDI drivers that came as a part of the MCUXpresso install? If so, yes, I did. If not, then, which one should I be installing? Thanks.
@mario_castaneda, thanks for the pointer. Unfortunately, it did not help and I am not sure what I am missing:
- Since OM15080-K32W did not show among the list of supported boards when trying to build the SDK, I instead opted for K32W061 based SoC.
- Installed MCUXpresso IDE
- Installed the latest FTDI VCP drivers. Device manager shows COM PORT 11 whenever the OM15080 dongle is plugged in and I have verified it's properties.
- In the IDE, selected K32W061 as the Chip since OM15080-K32W did not show when I tried to import a project. Any attempts to run the image on the target ends up with an error as it is unable to unable to connect to the target and the list of "Available attached probes" is blank:
and per device manager:
Any idea on what I might be doing wrong or missing out? Thanks.
Hi @nxpftw2021,
The error is normal because the Dongle doesn't have a debugger. You have to program the bin file using the next tool.
You could install this tool using the next path included in the SDK.
"\SDK_2_6_4_K32W061DK6\tools\JN-SW-4407-DK6-Flash-Programmer\JN-SW-4407 DK6 Production Flash Programmer v2282.exe"
Please let me know if you have any further issues.
Thanks @mario_castaneda.
I installed the flash programmer and flashed the built binary. However, are rebooting the device, I see no LED activity and not sure how to verify if it is working as expected. Scanning for the appropriate BLE device does not show anything. To make ensure that I did not mess things up, would like to clarify the following:
- When flashing, I selected "boot app" and not "boot loader". I suppose that that is correct?
- Do I use the default address presented by the programmer or should I flashing to a different address? Per the programmer, start address is 0x0.
- I selected FreeRTOS version of an SDK example to test. Is there anything special I need to do for FreeRTOS samples to run?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @nxpftw2021,
You are working with the BLE example, the examples that we have are waiting for an external event, you have to modify the code without an external button.
Could you please share an screen of the result that you have after the program process/
@mario_castaneda, I assume you are talking about the FTDI drivers that came as a part of the MCUXpresso install? If so, yes, I did. If not, then, which one should I be installing? Thanks.
Hey @mario_castaneda
I want to apply ZigBee mesh among 5 or more devices. Each device will keep sending broadcast data in the mesh (group) at the rate of 1 broadcast message in every ~700 millisecond. So total of 5 messages will flow in 1 second time frame in the whole mesh (group). Then our microcontroller will take these data and act accordingly. Each ZigBee will be connected to a microcontroller to send and receive custom data.
Note: Low power solution is not necessary, but consistent data rate is necessary.
Hi @premranjan,
In this case, the commands that you have been defined in the serial_commands file, but you could also add custom for your applications.
However, the toggle commands are sending a command to the On/Off cluster, if the device is binding, so you could send data to a specific cluster.
What is the information that you want to send? Are you looking for a specific cluster?
It seems I need to do "find" command to bind devices, which I do. But sending toggle command generated error. See the screenshot. I haven't changed any example code... How to proceed to send any data, even toggle command?
Hi @premranjan,
You are right, you have to bind the coordinator with the router, it can not be bonded with the SED.
‘Finding and Binding’ is the process whereby controlling devices find controlled devices by matching operational clusters and create entries in the Binding table.
The Coordinator supports Finding and Binding as an ‘Initiator’ that tries to find targets to bind to. For the purpose of the demonstration.
The Router supports the On/Off cluster as a server and implements the Finding and Binding process as a Target.
The End Device supports ‘Finding and Binding’ as an Initiator that tries to find targets to bind to.
To start Finding and Binding as an Initiator, first trigger Finding and Binding on any ‘Target’ device (such as the Router in this Application Note) and then do either of the following on the Coordinator (Initiator).
Hey @mario_castaneda,
I went through the steps as you mentioned, it didn't work. I went through the "ZigBee Demo Applications User's Guide.pdf" also. I did the steps as mentioned in order of "Form", Steer" & "Find", but the router is unable to connect with coordinator at all. The document says that the router will connect automatically after plug in, but it's not happening. I've attached the screenshot of router console.
On the coordinator end I'm getting the following message after I run Find & Bind command : "APP-BDB: No Identify Query Response Stopping F&B".
I've tried running "Find & Bind" command before router plug in and also tried running command after router plug in, but the router in unable to connect to the coordinator(initiator).
Hi @premranjan,
The router terminal log shows that the router is not finding any Zigbee network.
What is the channel that you are using?
Could you please type the form command, wait for the ZigBee network creating. after that, please reset the router to start the scanning process.
Do you have the sniffer log?
Hi @premranjan,
Did you bound your devices? Remember, for this process you will need an initiator and a tarjet.
The command Sends an OnOff Toggle command to bound devices.
Could you please provide more detail about your final application?
Total 6 options we get from coordinator firmware:
toggle, steer, form, find, soft reset & factory reset.
I did following in order:
After find command execution, the End Device gets connected to coordinator but remains in Idle state.
Afterwards when I try to send toggle command, it fails.
I don't get option to bind or bound my devices.