In the JN5168 Datasheet there's a chapter about Crystal ESR and transconductance requirements which allowed me to successfully choose crystal in smaller form factor fulfilling the requirements (Epson Q22FA1280002511, 60ohm, 8pF). However there's no such chapter in #JN5169 datasheet nor the typical/min/max transconductance value in the spec. What are the transconductance and ESR requirements for JN5169?
The context is that I'm moving from JN5168 to JN5169. I can see in the reference designs different crystal caps between the two chips: JN5168 designs use 15pF while JN5169 use 12pF... What is the reason for that difference? Is the internal and case stray capacitance of the JN5159 estimated to 6pF while it is 3pF for JN5168?
Hi Witold,
Please look at the JN-RM-2066 JN516x module development reference manual
The reference manual is included in the JN-RD-6038
Hi Mario,
I have read that RD but didn't find information about ESR or transconductance besides recommended capacitance is 12 and 15 pF for jn5169 and jn5168 respectively. Which chapter in that RM should I look at?
As written in the previous post I am using crystal with different than standard CL (mine is 8pF vs standard 9pF). Mine crystal is also higher ESR that the recommended. Yet I can see that the crystal I use falls into requirements set for JN5168 in datasheed Appendix B.1.
There's no equivalent of appendix b.1. in jn5169 datasheet though so my question remains: what is 32MHz oscillator transconductance and required crystal ESR?
Hi Witold,
Sorry for the late response. The recommended Xtal which are:
crystal 32 MHz; CL = 9 pF.
All are too big. I'm looking for smaller form crystal as said in the first message. In order to verify if the crystal will work with JN5169 properly I need to know what are the transconductance and ESR requirements for JN5169? You provide such info for JN5168 in the datasheet. Please provide it for JN5169