Hello Everyone:
I am new to Zigbee and I have trouble in register multiple endpoints.
I can regiser a endpoints and it can word well,however,when I attented to add another,the application go wrong and printf "Alignment error" as the figure showed below.I have already added the definition in .zpscfg,and increased ZCL_NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS. I can not figure out what is wrong.
The code that I used to register endpoints are showed below too,is there any mistake?
Please, could anyone help me and give some infos?
I was checking your implementation. Is the sIASCIE a structure type tsHA_IASCIE?
As the ZigBee Home Automation User Guide mentions, this parameter should be a pointer to the structure that will act as storage for all variables related to the device being registered on this endpoint.
What is the status value that you are getting?
Thanks for your reply!
Yes,sIASCIE is a structure type tsHA_IASCIE,as I define “ tsHA_IASCIE sIASCIE[10] ”. I think &sIASCIE[0] is an appropriate parameter,is that true?
The eZCL_Status,the return of the register funtion is E_ZCL_SUCCESS.
The same error occur when I change to use another function eZHA_RegiserBaseDeviceEndPoint().
Yesterday,I tried to chose "Erase EEPROM" when programming device,and I succeed in register another endpoint.Howerver,when I tried to add more,the same error occur.
Best Regards,
Hi Du,
Is there a reason why you are working on IAS Zone?
Did you look at the https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-333994