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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


This article describes the detailed steps for integrating 88W8801 to i.MX6ULL-EVK and L5.4.70_2.3.0. If you are not proficient in compiling Linux BSP for I.MX platform, you can refer to this link: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Wireless-Connectivity-Knowledge/WiFi-BT-Integretion-Linux-BSP-compilation-for-iMX-platform/ta-p/1277199 For more detailed information, see attachment, please!  
CMSIS, the ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard, can be used to distribute software components in standard package format. CMSIS compliant software components allow: • Easy reuse of example applications or template code • Combination of SW components from multiple vendors CMSIS packages available here: https://www.keil.arm.com/packs/ NXP WiFi package available here: https://www.keil.arm.com/packs/wifi-nxp/versions/   Getting NXP WiFi/BT software   Please find the minimal setup required to download the NXP WiFi/BT software CMSIS packs: First, get cpackget binary from the Open CMSIS Pack toolbox binaries Then, install the NXP WiFi and Bluetooth packages and their dependencies using below commands cpackget add NXP::WIFI@2.0.0 cpackget add NXP::WIRELESS_WPA_SUPPLICANT@2.0.0 cpackget add NXP::EDGEFAST_BT_BLE@2.0.0   Please note that the CMSIS software packs are installed in below directory: ~/.cache/arm/packs/NXP/   Building NXP WiFi/Bluetooth software   Using combined WiFi+Bluetooth application on i.MXRT1060-revC board, as an example.   Prerequisite Follow below steps to install all the required tools to get CMSIS packages and build them . <(curl https://aka.ms/vcpkg-init.sh -L) . ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init vcpkg new --application vcpkg add artifact arm:cmsis-toolbox vcpkg add artifact microsoft:cmake vcpkg add artifact microsoft:ninja vcpkg add artifact arm:arm-none-eabi-gcc vcpkg activate Refer to CMSIS toolbox installation documentation    Activate required tools . ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init vcpkg activate Install the NXP i.MXRT1060-REVC Bluetooth examples and their dependencies cpackget add NXP::MIMXRT1060-EVKC_EDGEFAST_BLUETOOTH_Examples@1.0.0 Workaround: current NXP SW is aligned with ARM::CMSIS@5.8.0, and does not support latest ARM::CMSIS@6.0.0, so we need to use older version with below commands cpackget rm ARM::CMSIS@6.0.0 cpackget add ARM::CMSIS@5.8.0 List the installed packages cpackget list Building combined WiFi+BT example application Copy example application to local directory and provide write permissions mkdir -p ~/test cp -r ~/.cache/arm/packs/NXP/MIMXRT1060-EVKC_EDGEFAST_BLUETOOTH_Examples/1.0.0/boards/evkcmimxrt1060/edgefast_bluetooth_examples/wifi_cli_over_ble_wu/ ~/test/ cd ~/test/wifi_cli_over_ble_wu/ && chmod -R u+w .   Build the application csolution convert wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.csolution.yml cbuild wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.flexspi_nor_debug+armgcc.cprj Convert elf to bin for flashing cd armgcc/flexspi_nor_debug arm-none-eabi-objcopy wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.elf -O binary wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.bin