We are utilizing the Vybrid VF6xxx processor and have requirements to support HAB for our application. Are there any app-notes or how-to's related to HAB specifically related to the Vybrid? (I've located how-to's for HAB related to the iMX6 e.g. -How-to enable HAB in i.MX6x... but nothing specific to Vybrid)
See: https://www.freescale.com/files/training_pdf/FTF/2012/americas/WBNR__FTF12_ENT_F0043.pdf
and http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/training_information.jsp?code=WBNR_FTF12_ENT_F0043#
High assurance boot - Tools
Code Signing Tool:
− Offline process of creating digital Signature
− Signing Keys and signatures generated by device manufacturers
− Supports code signing for: Vybrid
• Manufacturing Tool:
− Platform software provisioning
− One-Time Programmable e-fuse programming
• Both can be downloaded from (coming soon):
I have a number of questions.
Any updates on this?
Is the Code Signing Tool (CST) complete or nearing completion?
Is there a time estimate when I can have tools and documents in my hands to boot securely and protect my and my customers' IP?
On slide 64 of the link in the prior post, it mentions: "Support for Vybrid encrypted boot." and "Support for MQX apart for Linux". Does anybody have an idea when this might be available?
Will the Vybrid HAB/CAAM/etc be similar to that in the iMX6?
I was able to get HAB to work with the Vybrid. The current CST software worked for signing the binary program image without any issues. As far as documentation goes I used the IMX6 documentation to get things working with the Vybrid. With respect to HAB both parts seem to be pretty similar.
Sweet, I'll start downloading the iMX6 CST software and documentation.
We are still without suitable hardware for testing. We have ordered additional Tower Modules of the current revision, but the hardware we do have on hand is still travelling for training purposes.
I am hopeful that we can obtain hardware for validation next week, 9-29.
Timesys Support
Thanks for let us know.
Hello Ryan,
We have not yet validated/tested HAB on the Vybrid; we are reviewing currently for support in the Vybrid kernel and U-boot. Once we have determined if the support is available, we will follow up with a roadmap.
Timesys Support
timesyssupport can you provide an estimated due date?
Timesys Support can you provide an estimated due date?
timesyssupport are you available to help on this case?