Dear NXP Team.
After Running voice_ui_app, im getting like this, can you help me to solve this issue,
./voice_ui_app & ./afe libvoiceseekerlight & aplay test.wav & arecord -d10 -fS32_LE -r16000 -c1 voiceseeke_
[1] 894
[2] 895
[3] 896
/usr/lib/nxp-afe/ Openning
/usr/lib/nxp-afe/ Playing raw data
'test.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
rdspVoiceSpot_CreateControl: voicespot_status = 0
rdspVoiceSpot_CreateInstance: voicespot_status = 0
VoiceSpot model: HeyNXP_en-US_1.bin
Retrieving 'createProcessor' from library...
Retrieving 'destroyProcessor' from library...
VoiceSeekerLight App v0.2.8 mic0 xyz: (35, 15.15, 0)
mic1 xyz: (17.5, -15.15, 0) mic2 xyz: (-17.5, -15.15, 0)
mic3 xyz: (-35, 15.15, 0) delayValue 3211 debugValue 0
WakeWord Detection 1 NE10_ERR = 0
Recording WAVE 'voiceseeker_' : Signed 32 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
VoiceSeekerLight lib initialized!
VoiceSeekerLight_GetLibVersion: v0.6.0
rdspVoiceSpot_OpenInstance: voicespot_status = 0
============= VoiceSeekerLight Configuration =============
rdspVoiceSpot_EnableAdaptiveThreshold: voicespot_status = 0
version = 0.6.0
num mics = 4 max
num mics = 4 mic0 = (35, 15, 0)
mic1 = (18, -15, 0)
mic2 = (-18, -15, 0)
mic3 = (-35, 15, 0)
num_spks = 2 max
num spks = 2
samplerate = 16000
framesize_in = 32
rdspVoiceSpot_SetParametersFromBlob: voicespot_status = 0
framesize_out = 200
VoiceSpot library version:
create_aec = 0 VoiceSpot model
version: 0.13.1
create_doa = 0
buffer_length_sec = 1.5
aec_filter_length_ms = 0
============= VoiceSeekerLight Memory Allocation =============
VoiceSeekerLib allocated 115456 persistent bytes VoiceSeekerLib allocated 5120 scratch bytes
==================================== VoiceSeekerLight Memory Usage ==================================
Total = 107264 bytes
{ "default_config" :
{ "sample_rate" : -1, "sample_format" : S32_LE, "period_size" : 800, "input_channels" : 4, "ref_channels" : 2, "channel2output" : 0 },
"valid_options" :
{ "sample_format" : ["string", "enum", ["S8", "U8", "S16_LE", "S16_BE", "U16_LE", "U16_BE", "S24_LE", "S24_BE", "U24_LE", "U24_BE", "S, "period_size" : ["int", "range", 0, 4096, "input_channels" : ["int", "range", 1, 1024], "channel2output" : ["int", "range", 0, "input_channels_max"] } VIT Model info } VIT Model Release = 0x4080
Language supported : English
supported : 2 Number of Commands
supported : 12 WakeWord
supported : S32_LE
Number of WakeWords
Opening signal processor...
Voice commands supported :
Signal processor opened.
ALSA lib ../../../alsa-lib-1.2.4/src/pcm/pcm.c:2660:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM prloop terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AudioStreamException'
what(): No such file or directory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AudioStreamException'
what(): Invalid argument
[1] Aborted ./voice_ui_app
[2]- Aborted ./afe libvoiceseekerlight
[3]+ Done aplay test.wav
Thank you,