Hello :smileyhappy:
In one of our courses at University we use the M52259DEMOMCU (ISA_B) board. Unfortunately there are not enough available so some of us, including me, are not able to practice for the exam (we share the boards during exercises). My question is if there is a possibility to buy it anywhere, even it is second-hand. I hope I can get some useful advice.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Philipp,
the demo kit you are mentioning has been discontinued since quite some time. I strongly recommend you have a look at the low cost boards like Freedom. You can find them on our website at Freedom Development Boards|NXP and/or purchase them from one of our online distributors (Mouser, Farnell/Newark, Digi-Key)
Hi Phillip,
I don't think the 52259DEMOMCU are still available somewhere.
I think I have one or two available at the university which are not used (need to check). Other than that, would be the TWR-52259 be an option for you?
Ok I can see that. The main subject of the course is assembly programming with this Coldfire Microcontroller. Including the understanding of things like Stack, Stackframe and such things (we have a pre-configured CodeWarrior Version). Regarding the TWR I don't have a clue if there are differences and how they would affect.
The Tower board is pretty much a more powerful version of that board. It is just that if you want USB and Ethernet, then you need the Tower Eleveators with the Serial board. If it is about stack/stackframes/assembly/instruction set/etc then you only need the CPU and then the Tower board alone is useful.
That sounds great. Thanks for your support! I'm really thinking about buying one. At university we students are allowed to use the following IDE CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers-Eclipse IDE|NXP . It supports the Coldfire V2 but I'm not sure if this version will work with the Tower Board or do I have to buy another? Thanks a lot!
Yes, CodeWarrior for MCU 10.x supports the TWR-MCF52259. This is what I have used too for that board.