Recommended Student Learning Kits

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Recommended Student Learning Kits

Recommended Student Learning Kits

Embedded processors are highly optimized products.  When you just want a good general use processor, sifting through the many options to find the best one can be daunting.  Below are some excellent general-purpose use platforms that I recommend for academia.  Are there other options, you bet.  These are the best in class, most popular and great for learning.

FRDM-KL25ZTWR-K60D100MWand BoardTeensy 3.0
Cost:$12.95$99 ($169 for -KIT)$79/$99/$129$19


(Single/Dual/Quad core)

On-Board Features:MinimalGoodGoodVery Minimal
Expansion CapabilityExcellentGoodAverageGood
Notable Features

Arduino Shield Compatibility

Program with

I/O options

Android Jellybean, HDMI

Plug into breadboard

Program with Arduino IDE

The Freedom Board (FRDM-KL25Z)

This is a great starter board!  It's cheap($12.95), yet powerful and can be used in a wide variety of applications.  All FRDM- boards are pinned out in the Arduino shield standard so you have lots of expansion options.  The FRDM-KL25Z can be programmed with the normal 'industrial strength' IDE you can also use which sets it apart from many other products in this list for ease-of-use.

Teensy (Teensy3)

Made by PJRC.  For those that want to put a high performance 32-bit MCU on a breadboard.  Also, per the PJRC website you you are able to use the Arduino IDE.  The hardware is about as bare-bones as it gets, but the nice small footprint and breadboard ability gives you lots of flexibility to add your own custom I/O.

The Tower System (TWR-K60D100M-KIT)

The Tower System is another platform with a multitude of options.  With the Tower System you get access to much more I/O and is designed with higher performance applications in mind.  The particular variant I most often recommend is the TWR-K60D100M simply because it has so many features all packed in.  USB, Ethernet, Crypto engine, CAN, SPI, I2C and the list goes on.  Couple that with plenty of processing muscle with a Cortex-M4 CPU running at 100Mhz.

Wand (Wand Board)

The Cortex-M series is primarily intended for embedded control applications.  Whereas the Cortex-A series is built for graphical and multimedia applications. has been getting a lot of attention in the community as a Rasberry PI, Beagle Bone alternative(comparison chart).  Another similar product, still in development, is UDOO so stay tuned for that one.


If you like any of the above boards, add your review in the comments section below.  Likewise, I only covered a handful of boards, which is the tip of the iceberg,  if you have a favorite [for education and built with Freescale tech] add below.

Thanks.  Can you tell us about the FRDM-K22F?  I assume the MQX RTOS works with it.  Does the MQX RTOS work with FRDM-KL25Z as well, or does it not have enough memory or something like that?

Hi Craig,

All the info about KL22 can be found on our Freedom pages at FRDM-K22F|Freedom Development Board|Kinetis|Freescale

yes, MQX runs on it as indicated there.

MQX comes in a couple of different flavors now-a-days.  The latest one is MQX for Kinetis SDK.  This has support for many targets including both K & L series. Overall though, you need to be developing within the Kinetis SDK framework.

The alternative, "classic”, method is with MQX or MQX Lite.  MQX Lite is for small memory devices like what is on your FRDM-KL25Z.  The FRDM-K22F (most K-series) should be able to use the regular MQX.

MQX product page for more info:

I'd like to also recommend people keep their eye on mbed and mbedOS. Is a friendly environment, and can work both online in the cloud as well as export easily for offline compilation and full debugging. Yes all the mbed library source too.

The mbedOS looks interesting, but from

    mbed | welcome

it seems it is currently only at the alpha stage, and isn't scheduled to have a main release until October '15 with an update scheduled for December '15.  I'll be interested to follow up on it when it is released.  Is the Alpha 2 version on schedule?

I've heard rumors of another mbed update within two weeks.

I need a TPMS evaluation board for research . I have found it for many days,but haven't found.would you supply it for me ? Or give me the link for buy?

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在2015-04-23 10:19:36,王亚萍写道:





Recommended Student Learning Kits

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‎05-02-2013 07:42 AM