S32 Design Studio Tools for S32 Platform - A Focused Overview of S32 Design Studio Tools Supporting Our Next-Generation of Products

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S32 Design Studio Tools for S32 Platform - A Focused Overview of S32 Design Studio Tools Supporting Our Next-Generation of Products

S32 Design Studio Tools for S32 Platform - A Focused Overview of S32 Design Studio Tools Supporting Our Next-Generation of Products

This presentation provides an overview of the new toolchain to support the S32 platform of MCUs and application processors, this includes an IDE with new project generation, extensive collateral for ease of use and getting started as well as the next-generation Debugger tools, a new Flash tool specifically design for the S32 platform, the S32 configuration tool plus numerous software products integrated into the toolchain for ease of customer use.

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Last update:
‎10-14-2019 01:39 PM
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