How can I see helloworld.c ?

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How can I see helloworld.c ?

Contributor I


In my project,I use T1024 RDB-64b.In Yocto,I create a core image by using "bitbake fsl-image-core".Then,by following the necessary steps on QorIQ SDK-1.8 "Ramdisk Deployment from TFTP" I inserted the core image on T1024rdb successfully and see it on TerraTerm.However,I want to see a simple output like simple helloworld program when I started the board with this image on TerraTerm.Is there any reference,manual for this purpose or any layer in yocto to write this *.c files?

Another thing is,I create a new layer for this purpose and add a helloworld recipe on it which includes "helloworld.c".Then,I use "bitbake Helloworld" .Subsequently,I use bitbake to generate core image again even though I can not find where it's created.Where can I find the necessary path after this operation?

Thanks for your answers...

Best Regards.

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

There is he following methed.

NXP offers SDK 2.0-1701 for the T1024RDB board.

This SDK supports toolchain for standalone compiling.

See the Section 3.3.7 (Install the Standalone Toolchain) in the SDK 2.0-1701 documentation:


Use similar command sequence for your program compiling:


  1. Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.

 $ . /opt/fsl-qoriq/2.0/environment-setup-aarch64-fsl-linux


  1. sudo chmod 777 /opt/fsl-qoriq/2.0/environment-setup-aarch64-fsl-linux
  2. source /opt/fsl-qoriq/2.0/environment-setup-aarch64-fsl-linux

Check result of "source" command. Use "$PATH" command. The "source" command should add path to gcc compiler.

You should see similar message:

echo $PATH

bash: /opt/fsl-qoriq/1.9/sysroots/x86_64-fslsdk-linux/usr/bin:/opt/fsl-qoriq/1.9/sysroots/x86_64-fslsdk-linux/usr/bin/powerpc-fsl-linux-gnuspe:


  1. $CC test.c -o test.elf


Look at the foolowing pages about starting your application after boot:

Have a great day,
Pavel Chubakov

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