How does ambient temperature change effects on the MPR121 data reading ? if any..
Is there any temperature calibration ?
Working with TSI module on the MKL15 saw that it's very sensitive to temperature changes
Hello Eduard,
The offset caused by temperature is eliminated using the baseline feature of the MPR121. The capacitance it’s varied by temp and humidity (and some other factors). The baseline check for capacitance changes and adjusts the offset for a proper function of the cap touch sensing.
In other words, the temperature would not affect the MPR121 because our baseline algorithms will adjust over capacitive variations, including temperature, voltage, humidity (as long as it’s only humidity and not water droplets, which are a whole other thing), etc. If you test in a temp chamber, there should be not significant variation of operation of touch detection, as the application will work with deltas with respect to the adjusted baseline and not with raw data.
Hope it helps,
Thanks Josh !
Have a good day