Interfacing with MPX2300DT1 "Chip Pak"

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Interfacing with MPX2300DT1 "Chip Pak"

Contributor I

Hi everyone,

I'm using the MPX2300DT1 for a pressure sensing application, and I'm having issues trying to interface with the NXP "Chip Pak" package.  I cannot find a single connector or breakout board or otherwise that interfaces with the half-pitch connection on the chip.  Does NXP offer any product that can connect the Chip Pak to, say, some half-pitch ribbon wire?  


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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Unfortunately there is no handling guidance specific for the MPX2300D’s Chip Pak package, however, care must be taking using this kind of Chip Pak sensors, it’s also important to mention that the MPX2300DT1 is intended for disposable applications since the die and wire-bonds are exposed on the front side of the chip Pak (pressure is applied to the back side of the device). Front side die and wire protection must be provided in the customer's housing (see attached picture for an example of a housing). The design of the connections and housing depends on the customer’s application, we do not offer any specific recommendations.


Front side die and wire protection must be provided in the customer's housing and it is typically leave open to local atmospheric pressure to be used as the reference. However, if you are using this method, the sensor should not be in contact with water, you should use a pipe and the air column method to measure water level measurement.


In the application note AN3728 is discussed the media compatibility for the NXP Pressure Sensors. In this application at page# 3, you can see that we have tested a couple of media and using the Air column method (Figure 2 of this document) to measure water level is unlikely to have issues, but we cannot give a guarantee about the long term reliability of these devices under these conditions.



The output of the MPX2300DT1 is differential compensated, which means that the sensor gives you a differential output in the range of millivolts (output is already internally temperature compensated), so externally you only need to add the amplification circuit before sending the sensor’s signal to the MCU’s ADC.


In the Application note AN1318 you can find some examples about how to interface the differential output of the pressure sensor to the mcu:


If possible, I would rather recommend you to use an integrated pressure sensor which output is already temperature compensated and amplified like one of the MPX5050 pressure sensors family:




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