Dear NXP community,
I am using the FlexCAN project example on my S32k144 and I am stuck in a couple of things. First of all, for my application I need to keep track of a timestamp in seconds for every message received from CAN bus. I would to initialize a variable like this “double tstamp = 0.00000;” that should be updated for every message received.
In FlexCAN.c in the function FLEXCAN0_receive_msg() there is a var named RxTIMESTAMP but I do not know how I can convert such value into seconds. There is by chance a simple way to do this?
A second question is, I want to receive all msgID that travels on the CAN bus. Considering that my board is set as node B. So in the example FLEXCAN0_init I read as follow:
CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x15540000;
That correspond to msgID 0x555. If I would to receive for example 0x1FE how I should set the value of CAN0? And for receiving all msgIDs (no filter)? I do not understand how 0x15540000 is related to 0x555.
Unfortunately, I searched the forum but found no answer to these questions. Please forgive me if such question may seems trivial, but to me they're not.
for the time stamps please read chapter Time stamp of the RM. In short; The value of the free running timer is sampled at the beginning of the ID field on the CAN bus, and is stored at the end of move-in in the TIME STAMP field.
When CTRL2[TIMER_SRC] =1, the free running timer is continuously clocked by an external time tick (LPIT channel 0 trigger output). When CTRL2[TIMER_SRC] =0, the free running timer is clocked by the FlexCAN bit-clock, which defines the baud rate on the CAN bus.
If you want to receive all message into single MB then clear mask acceptance register. The RXMGMASk if MCR[IRMQ] = 0 and RXIMR4 if MCR[IRMQ] = 1. IRMQ distinguish between global or individual masking scheme.
If both standard and extended IDs should be received to single MB set CT|RL2[EACEN] bit and have corresponding bit in mask register cleared as RXMGMASK register description shows.
CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x15540000;
equals to
CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x555<<18;
This is because standard ID is left shifted by 18 in MB's ID word
Note mask should be also shifted the same way.
BR, Petr