In order to satisfy CAN OSEK network management, I have to recover the CAN normal status from bus-off status in a certain amount of time. And how to configure the CAN registers to meet this requirement?
Obviously, set CAN_CTRL1[BOFFREC] = 1 to disable automatic recovering, because I have to control the time for recovering normal status from bus-off.
I could recall CAN initialzation function to achieve this requirement using other types of MCU, such as STM32. How about S32K144?
In case of BOFF_REC = 1 the recovery from bus-off starts after both independent events have become true:
So if negation happens
The CAN init function can be called, depends what is done within it. Obviously SW reset and /or Freeze mode entering is performed together with register setting and MB initialization. So the CAN init could be used for bus-off recover too.
BR, Petr
How to identify the CAN bus status as bus off or normal state without receiving data ? Through reading register CAN_ESR1[BOFFINT]?