I am using lpuart_echo_s32k144 routines now.I sent data to the MCU on the computer with my serial assistant, and the MCU did not enter this function the interrupt function(void LPUART1_IrqHandler(void) {};).And initialization has been called this function( LPUART_DRV_Init(){}) and this function (INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(s_lpuartRxTxIrqId[instance]);).What should I do next?
do you have iterrupt mode enabled in Processor Expert UART settings? Also make sure that you generated new code for any Processor Expert change.
Check also your PC Terminal speed and make sure that you have disabled any HW/SW flow control. I'm usiing Putty as a serial terminal and lpuart echo works okay.
I have already iterrupt mode enabled in Processor Expert UART settings.The code inside is hidden after testing.If the serial port is interrupted, I send the characters on the serial assistant, and the MCU will jump directly into the interrupt code after the interruption. However, I sent the data to the serial port on the computer, but did not enter the interrupt. Because I was testing it when I was setting up an LED.I need Hardware interrupt.