Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
Hello Daniel,
Your answer is undoubtedly correct for proper operations of the IC.
But what about a situation when ADC and/or any related analog circuits powered by the Vdda -- are NOT operating.
Tables referenced above are specifically for OPERATING conditions. The Absolute maximum ratings table makes no mention of it:
Specifically, the Vrefh is allowed to be even slightly below 0 V.
Would the IC be damaged if Vdda is not within 100 mV window from Vdd?
Are there any protection structures between Vdda and Vdd, such as an equivalent of back-to-back protection diodes?
Thank you for your help!
Hello Victor,
The VDDA domain is internally connected directly to VDD in some packages and if a package has a seperate VDDA pin, it must be filtered and connected to VDD on the PCB. No need to specified it in the absolute max ratings as VDD is VDDA. The 0.1V difference is allowed for RF-AC signal only.
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for your clarification, please consider this matter closed.
Hello Nicolas,
The S32K1xx datasheet (rev12) is clear in this regard.
VDD and VDDA must be shorted to a common source on the PCB.
Table 3. Voltage and current operating requirements for S32K1xx series.
Also, S32K1xx RM, rev12:
If you need a difference ADC voltage reference, then use a package with VREFH/VREFL pins.
VREHF can be in the range of 2.7V to VDDA + 0.1V