I changed TDCOFF value in FREEZE mode.
But TDCOFF value is changed whenever debug state is changed between suspend and resume.
- suspend : 01111
- resume : 11110
In this case, What is TDCOFF value?
please refer to as below.
1. suspend state
1) enter to FREEZE mode : FRZ - 1, HALT - 1
2) set TDCOFF value : 01111
3) exit FREEZE mode : FRZ - 01, HALT - 0
2. resume state
1) TDCOFF value is kept as 01111
2) double click FDCTRL
3) double click FDCTRL again : this register color is changed to green
4) TDCOFF value is changed to 11110. why?
3.suspend state again
1) TDCOFF value is changed to 01111 again.
Hi Kim,
This is caused by P&E debugger (if you are using it, OpenSDA) which does not support real time register monitoring by default. If you click to “-not read-“ value, the “DEADBEEF” is displayed and bit fields represents part of this value. This is the reason the TDCOFF shows 0x1E.
You can try to install and test the “PEmicro’s GDB Server Plug-in for ARM devices” which allows to view variables and memory during code execution.
See more info in http://www.pemicro.com/blog/index.cfm?post_id=125.
BR, Petr
Hi. Petr.
Thank you for your answer.
I understood that TDCOFF value was set 01111 correctly
By the way, after terminating debug for the project set TDCOFF as 01111, when I restart debug, TDCOFF value was 00001 and TDCEN was 0.
How can I save this TDCOFF value?
1. TDCOFF is 01010 and TDCEN is 1
2. Terminate debug
3. after terminating debug, when I restart debug, TDCOFF is 00001 and TDCEN is 0
Hi Kim,
The FDCTRL register's default value after reset is 0x80000100.
So if you do not configure this register within your code (in Freeze mode) the debugger will show default value.
BR, Petr