I am using S32K344 with RTD 2.0.0 D2203 and trying to implement a PWM center triggered ADC list reading.
I have tested the example when the BCTU is software triggered https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/How-BCTU-LIST-items-works/m-p/1577227#M19813 and it seems to work good and I am able to configure the ADC channels I want to use.
Then I am trying to add a eMIOS channel, for now eMIOS_0_0 in MCB_UP_DOWN_COUNTER in Emios_Mcl_Ip_1 and use it as the trigger source in BCTU, which is default from the example above.
But the BCTU is never triggered and it is not possible to software trigger the BCTU anymore.
Oskar Johansson
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