I refer to the demo of Crypto_SymmetricPrimitives_S32K44 to use S32K324's Crypto module, but it can't run it correctly. I trace the code to find that it is timeout in the function of Hse_Ip_ServiceRequest.
/* Send the request to HSE driver */
HseResponse = Hse_Ip_ServiceRequest(u8MuInstance, u8MuChannel, pHseIpReq, pHseSrvDescriptor);
/* Translate the message received from HSE to a Std_ReturnType value */
RetVal = Crypto_Hse_TranslateHseResponse(HseResponse);
RetVal is the value of CRYPTO_RET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT. So I don't kown what the probelm is.
Are there any configurations that affect this function?
H i @Faker
To be able to run the example, you need to have installed the HSE FW.
As you are having a timeout at Hse_Ip_ServiceRequest, which means that is expecting the response of the HSE and is not getting it.
Please make sure to have installed the HSE FW before running the example code.