I am testing LwIP on the S32K3. When using iPerf, the transmission aborts after a hundred seconds or so. I'm unsure of the cause, but it seems to be due to a lack of response from both the K3 and the PC, leading to the termination, as shown in the attached image.
This is one of the issues. The other problem is that after the transmission aborts, I'm unable to test iPerf again, and there's no response to ping. I've checked the system, and it appears to be running normally.
Please assist me in adjusting the parameters or identifying where to check.
Thank you.
I’m sorry to say that we currently do not have resources to support LWIP issues. LWIP is open source and the user is expected to use rather generic LWIP support if needed:
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please create a ticket related to SJA1110 and competent person will assist you.
Thanks for understanding