I am using Lauterbach and try to erase then program the Flash Config Field from unsecure to secure state follow the step in this thread https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/s32k144-Backdoor-Key-Access/m-p/1327726#M11768
However, I have the problem that when I erase/program the sector (0x0000-0x1000) which has Flash config Field , only other part in that sector be erased/programmed , the Flash Config Field (0x400-0x40F) is not changed
Could you give us some advise.
Your help will be highly appriciated
Best Regards,
Hi HaiNam,
As it is stated in the thread you linked here, it is not recommended to reprogram the first sector like that.
Anyway, what error flags does the FTFC set?
BR, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your reply.
If I use lauterbach to erase, there are no error flags, sector be erased except Flash config field
If I use code software to erase all (0x44) , then the ACCERR flags set, nothing be erased
Here is the secure state of my testing board
Hi @nnguye66,
How do you erase and program the first sector exactly?
What script do you use?
Is it possible that the script programs the Flash configuration field back?
Is the MCU partitined for CSEc with keys allocated?
BR, Daniel