I download the unified bootloader framework, and run the S32K144_CAN_bootloader project in my own board. Then I try to download the test app Hex file(S32k144_UDS_Bootloader_App_Test.hex) in the framework via ZCANPRO, the download progress is fine, but it seems that the update operation is not success.
Here is my question:
1. Is there a recommended configuration of *.ld file?
2. How to use the flash_api.bin ?
2. I do not know where the error is in my project, and my project post below, could you please help me to solve it?
we plan to release updated version of the unified bootloader and its documentation in next days (till the end of February). My recommendation is to wait for this updated version, if possible. It will cover MagniV, S32K1 and S32K3 devices.
Hi Lukas,
Thanks for your reply!
I am wondering that is there any 'bootloader_app' demo based on the RTD SDK instead of the basic driver, especially the .ld file and startup file.
I could not combine the unified bootloader app(based on driver) with my own app(based on RTD SDK). Is the new version of unified bootloader fit for the RTD platform?
Chao Zheng