HI NXP Team:
How do I read and write to the S32K144 EEPROM? I hope to offer a routine, thank you!
The AN11983 - Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality can be useful for you. see "3.6 S32K1xx reading and writing the EEE" section.
If you want to use SDK I recommend you to use the newest version https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343020
Best Regards,
Thanks,Can you send it to me? My email is Darren_lv@163.com.
Thanks,Can you send it to me? My email is Darrenlv@163.com.
Do you have the source code for the board? Mostly you need flash_driver.c
Write to EEPROM:
FLASH_DRV_Init(&Flash1_InitConfig0, &flashSSDConfig);
FLASH_DRV_EEEWrite(&flashSSDConfig, flashSSDConfig.EERAMBase, sizeof(DATA), &DATA);
Read from EEPROM:
memcpy(DATA, flashSSDConfig.EERAMBase, sizeof(DATA));
hi@John Crannell-Ash#, ask you a question about s32k144,what 's problem to write or read data to eeprom in the interrupt,just like show picture as below.Do you recommend suggesting to write or read data to eeprom in the interrupt?