I am having issues trying to flash an S32K.
I am using IAR to do the flashing and debugging, and when I do the flash, I get this warning:
When I press OK, IAR starts to try and flash the board, but it never ends up actually flashing. No timeout error happens either. It just sits there saying it is flashing forever.
I read somewhere that when you get the message about the stack pointer like this, you need to reset the chip. I tried erasing the chip using J-Flash, but that gave me these errors:
I am not sure what happened as IAR was having no issues earlier flashing the board. Just suddenly stopped working.
Any help would be appreciated as to why this suddenly happened or how to fix it.
in general, this is a question rather for IAR or Segger. But what I saw in the past - make sure that your J-Link software is up to date: