I am triggering the ADC at 20KHz using three PWM signals. All PWM signal shares a common time base, as illustrated below:
eMIOS_MCL ---> PWM ---> BCTU ---> ADC
TimeBase_CH24_A_20KHz ---> PWM_Signal_1
---> PWM_Signal_2
---> PWM_Signal_3
I would like to apply an offset so that each PWM signal triggers sequentially after the previous one has completed . While I have successfully applied the offset to the time base, I am looking to see if it is possible to apply this offset to each individual PWM signal ex (Phase Shift or Trigger Delay).
there is no delay option on BCTU module, external triggers are arbitrated based on its priority (lower number, higher priority), when they are asserted at the same time to the same ADC.
So an offset, if needed, must come from eMIOS module. The channel flag represents a trigger for BCTU. Thus this trigger placement depends on eMIOS mode used, when flag is generated.
Some modes generate flag on PWM edge, while for example OPWMT mode allows placing a trigger at desired time with respect of PWM period. So maybe you can use this mode.
BR, Petr
Setting an Offset on PWM Flag Generation for Individual PWM Signals that use the same time base :
I would like to explore the possibility of setting an offset on the PWM flag generation for each individual PWM signal that uses a common time base. Specifically, I am interested in the following
Feasibility in OPWMB Mode:
Alternative Methods:
for OPWMB mode;
It is possible to set offset for each channel individually. Just set Phase Shift parameter. This value specifies leading edge of generated signal. (Phase Shift + Duty Cycle) specifies trailing edge placement. A flag is generated either on both edges or just on training edge, based on the selected setting.
For OPWMT mode;
offset can be set as well, as it is in OPWMB mode, but flag generation is based on Trigger parameter, regardless of edges placement.
BR, Petr