We have Safety requirements SEooC for ASIL B maturity for S32K116 MC. Let us the know the SW development process and SDK if present for Autosar architecture
Let us the know the SW development process and SDK if present for Autosar architecture
I am a bit confused here. Are you going to write AUTOSAR drivers?
We have all thats needed for ASIL-B clasification:
In AUTOSAR we have ISO26262 package as well:
SW32K1_RTD_4.4_1.0.1 supports S32K116 up to ASIL-D so there is no need to go with SDK. Use RTD (real time drivers with AUTOSAR)
Best regards,
The idea is to develop some assumptions we have in Safety Manual for S32K116. For example "Assumption: [SM_084] The application software must check the status registers of the RCM for error flags" So please let me know if there is already some pre developed SW or Safety library for this from NXP.
SW32K1_RTD_4.4_1.0.1 does this package covers the assumptions defined in Safety Manual?
Thank you
SW32K1_RTD_4.4_1.0.1 does this package covers the assumptions defined in Safety Manual?
Yes, this is what it does.Of course only SW requirements, HW requirements must be implemented by user.
I do not expect there is any other SW except RTD for safety. (what for)
Best regards,
Thanks for the information
Can you please guide me how to download this package SW32K1_RTD_4.4_1.0.1
Sure, here is it:
Best regards,