hello, my self Krishna, I recently bought FRDM33771BSPIEVB kit & I am working on it with real battery.
1) here I am facing issue with understanding connection of isense+ & isense - . from the given diagram in data sheet isense + will be connected to negative of battery & to shunt register then to ?. (please support in understanding clear connections diagram for current sensing part)
2) In data sheet of M33771B chip have mentioned to place shunt or RC circuit between isense+ & isense- externally. But for FRDM33771BSPIEVB, have to follow the same?
3) for balancing need do we need to place external shunt or FRDM33771BSPIEVB already have them?
Hello Krishna,
1) here I am facing issue with understanding connection of isense+ & isense - . from the given diagram in data sheet isense + will be connected to negative of battery & to shunt register then to ?. (please support in understanding clear connections diagram for current sensing part)
2) In data sheet of M33771B chip have mentioned to place shunt or RC circuit between isense+ & isense- externally. But for FRDM33771BSPIEVB, have to follow the same?
3) for balancing need do we need to place external shunt or FRDM33771BSPIEVB already have them?
[A] The shunt resistor is not populated on the FRDM33771BSPIEVB. You need to populated it yourself.
The current sensing filter is already populated on the FRDM33771BSPIEVB. Please refer to the FRDM33771BSPIEVB schematic, which can be downloaded from the FRDM33771BSPIEVB product page.
If you will not use the ISENSE function, it is recommended to connect the INSENE+ and ISENSE- pins to ground.
Depending on what current you want to measure, you need to chose the Rshunt, so the voltage on the ISNSE+ referenced to ISENSE- will not exceed the value VIND stated in the Table 9., page 15. in the MC33771B datasheet. Rshunt=VIND/Imax. Where Imax, is the maximum current you want to measure.
With Best Regards,