I've been having some trouble getting the CAN (can0) RxFIFO working.
Since I am not using the SDK (too much CPU load for my application) I intended to use DMA transactions to unload the CPU. I wanted to test that the FIFO worked before configuring the DMA, but I can't get any messages with FIFO enabled.
Here is the CAN0 Init code,
In the previous code the parameter is CAN0, so that pstCan->X is CAN0->X.
Aside from this, I am setting the CAN0->RAMn[24] (address 0xE0 in FIFO filter table) as the desired ID for reception. Such that,
When I send this ID, nothing changes, and there is no reception. IFLAGS1 doesn't change and IDHIT doesn't either.
Is there anything I am missing?
Please help.
Hi @AergoXenn
Could you tell me which MCU you are using?
Sure, I am working on S32K142 on a custom developed board.
Hi @AergoXenn
I suggest you look at the CAN 2.0 and CAN FD examples in the S32K1xx Series Cookbook. These may be useful to you.