Detailed Description:
This is a rather simple example that shows LPI2C0 in Master mode.
MPL3115A2 sensor is used as a slave device.
I2C bus at PTA2 SDA, PTA3 SCL (2-pin open drain mode),
external pull-up resistors on BRKTSTBC-P3115 board.
BRKTSTBC-P3115 supplied from P3V3 (J3.7).
Baud rate 400kHz, source SIRCDIV2 8MHz.
The master reads periodically MPL3115A2 status register (every 200ms)
and temperature / altitude data once they are ready.
Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100, BRKTSTBC-P3115
MCU: S32K144 0N57U
Target: internal_FLASH
I am using this code for i2c protocol between s32k144(master) and lidar lite v3(slave). I have configured the addresses and registers properly. I am receiving distance values , however I have to reboot the sensor to get new values. I tested the sensor with other boards , it works fine. This sensor does not support repeated start hence I have edited the read and write accordingly.
I am attaching my modified code below. Could you tell me what could be my mistake?
Any help appreciated!!
Thank you,
Hello Arjun,
Can you please scope the bus and compare it with the specified lidar lite v3 I2C protocol?
Do you see any error flags?
BR, Daniel