An error occurred during the initialisation of the PFE module.
:`.pfe_class_fw_mem' will not fit in region `int_sram_no_cacheable'
: region `int_sram_no_cacheable' overflowed by 57380 bytes
I think I
eed to change the size of 'int_sram_no_cacheable' in project_Settings/Linker_Files/, but it's not clear how.
How can I resolve this issue?
And this is the version of the information we use.
We resolved this issue by increasing the memory space in the project_Settings/Linker_Files/ file by the amount of the overflowed size.
If this method is used, the error should disappear.
However, an error occurs during the initialisation of the PFE.
An error occurs in the part that reads the version of pfe, and it is moved to hardFault_hadler().
This section was used to save specific data in the modules of the driver as MCL, SPI,...
You can use this memory in your code.
I placed init_sram on the dtcm memory and I didn't got your issue. In my opinion, you can check your .map file to figure out the root cause.