hello ,
I am currently working with the s32k148 eval board ,using the S32 Design studio for ARM Version : 2.1 Build Id 170810
and am trying to configure a watch dog timer , which should trigger a reset every 256 ms if not serviced .
for this I have configured the LPO clock (128KHz) as the input clock and set the value of 16384 to the TOVAL register and to just make sure that the watch dog basic functionality is fine, i am not refreshing the watchdog.
but unexpectedly the watchdog is not trigering any reset and after few seconds I can see the counter value in the Pemicro console dispalyed with the incrementing value as can be seen in the below snapshot.
I would like to understand that why if the program allowed to still run and what does this values in the console means.
PINS_DRV_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr);
WDOG_DRV_Init(INST_WATCHDOG1, &Window_watchdog);
the below is the watch dog configuration structure.
/*! watchdog1 configuration structures */
const wdog_user_config_t Window_watchdog = {
.clkSource = WDOG_LPO_CLOCK,
.opMode = {
false, /* Wait Mode*/
false, /* Stop Mode*/
true /* Debug Mode*/
.updateEnable = true,
.intEnable = true,
.winEnable = false,
.windowValue = 16384,
.timeoutValue = 16384,
.prescalerEnable = false