According to the reference manual, there're 4 interrupt vectors, and each contains 8 interrupt sources.
I want to configure Req[25] and Req[29], and they both map to SIUL_3_IRQn, which means they use the same handler. How do I distinguish them?
You need to read SIU status flag in the interrupt service routine to distinguish which one of eight EIRQ sources caused an interrupt.
Thanks for you reply.
What about this? I just added two channels. Each channel has an IcuSignalNotification. I write two different functions and set to IcuSignalNotification respectively, so that I could distinguish them based on different notifications.
I am sorry, but I don't understand relation to previous question.
Okay. I'll try to make it clear.
My requirement is, when Req[25] causes an interrupt, I need function A to be called. And when Req[29] causes an interrupt, and I need function B to be called.
So, is it right if I configured as blew?
Could you give references to S32DS and RTD version, which example is this related to?