while am installing S32 Design Studio S32SDK_S32K14x_BETA_1.9.0 am getting the below errors as
"'Installing software' has encountered a problem"
"An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=SDKProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=[R]com.nxp.s32ds.ext.ide.resources --> [R]com.nxp.s32ds.ext.ide.resources, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.InstallBundleAction).
The artifact file for osgi.bundle,com.nxp.s32ds.ext.ide.resources, was not found."
Here is the attachment for what I selected in the updates to install and below to this the "Problem Occured"
Even Though i have insttalled 'S32 Design Studio S32K1XX Support Package', still getting the same issue.
Hello @anvesh_tss,
From the error message it seems you are missing this package. The error message is indicating that it is a dependency.
Please check the box to install this package as well. It should resolve your issue.
Best regards,
Probably this is due to missing the required dependency on the 'S32 Design Studio S32K1XX Support Package', where XX represents the digits of the specific S32K family device you intend to use.
Best Regards,